how many windows do you see

How: is the dark empty window.

many: is the light full window.

windows: there are four dark windows,

interwoven with another three light windows,

it drags your attention within,

these seven black hole windows,

vanishing alone.

do: four light windows,

entrenched with other three dark windows,

it elevates your perception beyond,

these seven supernova windows,

spreading everywhere.

you: two sets of black hole windows,

balanced by two another sets of supernova windows,

these twenty eight windows of zero energy.

see: the four set of zero energy windows,

mandala, flower, rotating gem,

there is only one way ahead,

the center,

the seed of all windows,

these one hundred and twelve windows,

(or even the sum of all 156 windows),

tell us about about the one,

the unique window,

which lies within.

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